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Stragiliti Essentials
Run applications or App Store products developed using Stragiliti - App Assembly.
Run applications or App Store products developed using Stragiliti - App Assembly and leverage powerful utilities to manage, adapt and use the application in scalable and adaptable cloud environments over the life cycle of usage
Run the application in a scalable cloud environment spanning enterprise class situations and usage
Regular upgrades to cater to important changes introduced by browsers, native mobile app providers
Model utilities like alerts, roles, menus, views, validations, permissions and logic rules
Consistent architecture for security, user interfaces, navigation and other aspects of the application
Attach code at the different layers of the application to handle changing and unique situations
Continuous addition of new utilities, and updates to hand security security threats
Deployable on cloud, hybrid or inpremise environments with responsive user interfaces
Proven - Used as the production platform for all Stragiliti applications and products for over a decade
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