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RAD (Low Code) Platform - FAQ

How does Stragiliti achieve significant improvements in speeds, and reduction in effort, compared to conventional development?


Stragiliti uses low code technology to automate the labour-intensive process of enterprise software development. Typically, about 80 to 90% of the effort is automated leading to an equivalent reduction in effort during the development and testing stages of development. The improvement levels mentioned is applicable for enterprise and mobile applications that are reasonably complex – ones that conventionally requires a full team to execute.

Are Low Code Application Platforms (LCAP) a proven technology?


Low code technologies have been around for nearly two decades. It used to be known as case tools in the 90's, and model driven development in the early 2000's. Low code technologies today are far more powerful in terms of performance, quality, speed of development, security and maintainability. They are now being used for critical and mainstream applications in large, medium as well as small companies. Leading analysts have confirmed that there is a secular trend, that most applications in this decade (2020's) will be developed on Low Code Application Platforms (LCAP) instead of conventional approaches.


Stragiliti also has been in existence for over a decade. Some of the applications it has been used for are in use by thousands of users.

Does Low Code eliminate coding fully?

The short answer is no, but the goal of low code technologies is to eliminate coding. As of today, a small percentage still has to be coded. Unique user interfaces and complex logic are usually the only places where manual coding needs to be written in good platforms. 
Stragiliti is among the few platforms that automates all the layers of the development stack, and is among the few that provides a well managed environment to manage the few places where manual code or libraries of pre-written code is to be attached.
We expect that over a period of time the goal of eliminating coding for a specific project is not far off, but writing code for special situations will always continue.

Which parts of the application are automatically developed, and which parts require manual coding?


Stragiliti auto develops code across all the layers of software (Front end, mobile, Web Services, Controller, business logic and database) for executing transactions. In addition, the platform has several powerful utilities that are essential for any application (alerts, permissions, roles, menus, views, dashboards, panels etc.) and one only needs to configure these utilities instead of writing code.


However, most applications need to have customized user interfaces especially in areas where end users are involved. Such customized pages need to be manually developed using conventional methods and connected to webservices (typically auto developed) on the server. Similarly, complex business logic may also have to be auto developed.


Typically, about 70 to 90% of the application will be auto developed and the rest developed conventionally.

Is one dependent on Stragiliti once the applications are developed?


No. Stragiliti generates standard, high quality, and maintainable code, which can be managed by a reasonably competent development team. There is an option called exit with code, which when invoked allows you to extract the code and maintain it the conventional way. Being structured code, it is easier to maintain than conventional code.


If one does not exit, one can maintain the application without having to go to code level - Stragiliti makes it easier to maintain the application at this level. We of course recommend that you do not exit, because its better for you given the benefits of ease of change and cost of changes during the life cycle of usage.

Can we model and maintain the application ourselves?

Yes, Stragiliti is designed for do it yourself modelling. The generation /auto develop portion of it, however, is a semi-automatic service provided by Kallos/ Stragiliti.

What capability levels are needed to assemble applications on Stragiliti?


One does not need to program to model Stragiliti, but basic concepts of process modelling and usage of system utilities helps a lot, to model a good application that everyone wants to use.


If you wish to provide a special user interface or write complex logic, then one would require coding knowledge to program this. Similarly, in case one chooses the exit option, one needs a dedicated team to manage and improve the version. On the whole far lower number of resources, and lower skill than conventional development.

In case we require the modelling of the application to be done by the Stragiliti team, would you take it up?


Stragiliti prefers that organizations that self-models, and generates the applications on their own and also extend it for specific situations. However, you want us to do it, we will be happy to take it up to ensure  success. We are even ready to develop the whole project for you also.


Is change of functionality easy?


Change is far easier than conventional. It depends on the area where the change is required. If it is in an auto-developed area, it is far easier.


Will there be a limit on the complexity of what can be developed on Stragiliti?


Almost any type of enterprise transaction centric system can be developed on Stragiliti. The bulk of the application is auto developed. In case there is any area which Stragiliti cannot auto-developed, there is a way to execute that portion by writing code. Hence one is not limited by the platform.


One should mention here that there are many low code platforms that have such limitations. Enterprise grade low code platforms do not have such limitations, and Stragiliti falls in this category.


Feel free to contact us on your need and we will clarify how perceived limitations can be handled.


How secure is Stragiliti?


Over the past decade Stragiliti was used in many mission critical and sensitive applications, with customers demanding higher levels of security. While normal measures like SSL, role and process-based security and code injection prevention are included, we have gone to the next level by providing special capabilities like dynamic token-based verification for every transaction, gateway, and firewall-based protection etc. Do get in touch with us with specific concerns.


Anything else?


Do get in touch with us, using the contact us form provided in this site. We will be happy to clarify anything else.


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